
The randomness, The woman, The legacy

September 09, 2005

Ice Cream Men

My Woodward, Vitale, and I have a theory. That men's personalities can be categorized in accordance to an ice cream flavor. Examples:

Eric. For those of you who KNOW Eric he would be a Mango flavor. Here is why.
Mango-unique, something you don't have everyday but when you do, it's fantastic and you know you want more.
VERY similar to Eric. He is very unique and has his own thing going on and that makes you want to be his friend and WHEN are you his friend you know that you'll want to hang out with him a lot.

Ben. Strawberry. Strawberry is a classic, all-American flavor. There's the creamy classic taste with surprises of little bits of flavor with the strawberry chunks. Ben is the same way. He's a classic guy, has his uniqueness about him and there is always a surprise when it comes to Ben. You never know what funny or endearing thing will come out of his mouth.

Each of the ladies and I have a favorite flavor or ice cream as I am sure many of my readers do as well. We have come to the theory that our favorite flavors are in fact the type of guy we wish to be with.

My Woodward is all about Choc. Chip Cookie Dough. A classic vanilla flavor with the added bonus of choc. chip cookie dough. A guy who is a classy gentleman and has the romantic side BUT can also throw little suprises your way when you least expect it. Sometime you may need to dig a little to get to the good stuff, but you know it's there--it's just hidden.

Vitale loves the swirl. A great blend of sweet crisp and refreshing vanilla with the deep,rich,saucy chocolate flavor to compliment it. It's a great treat to have. This guy is a gentleman when he needs to be, but knows when to break the rules in order to protect what he loves. A man who can take some risks. As Vitale would like to say, "A dangerous man". But there's the pure vanilla side to him that keeps him balanced and stable to meet your needs.

I am a lover or Peanut Butter Cup. An odd blend of vanilla ice cream and the classic candy Resse's peanut butter cups-but it works and leaves a delightful taste in your mouth. It's like a party in your mouth and everyone's invited. A guy who you wouldn't expect to be both into cars and poetry, or art history and camping. He's got a rebel side to him as well as a saint.

Explore your favorite ice cream flavor and see what ice cream men you encounter.


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