
The randomness, The woman, The legacy

September 01, 2005

Girls Are Weird

My Woodward and I were driving away from the U-district in Seattle after attending a birthday party the night before. We were in the left turn lane at a light to get on I-5. We were swapping stories about the party...

"I can't believe that guy called you Starbuck"
"What was his name, Bosco?" "Isn't that a chocolate sauce? Or George Costanza's bank passcode?"

The banter continues while my Woodward leans over and looks in the rearview mirror in order to pick at her face and pop an zit on her cheek. Something was said to inspire a white-girl high five, which we did once she was done popping her zit.

Behind us are two college guys who notice this exchange and start laughing at us probably thinking, "Girls need to affirm each other after EVERYTHING! After one pops a zit in the mirror, they high-five."

Girls are weird.

Here's more evidence to this claim:

This is Angel of the Flowers, she's my main girl. She's off galavanting through Europe-lucky (said in Napolean voice).

This was taken at a craft store. Only in America can you find an ginormous martini glass in a craft store.


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