
The randomness, The woman, The legacy

September 01, 2005



Secret Single Behaviour (thought I would go a little British on ya)

These are the things that you do when you are home alone that no one sees. Some people may be privileged enough to see these, but these people are your family and best friends. However, many of these behaviours are ones that are created when you live on your own.

Despite the fact that I have a roommate-I still have my secret single behaviour's. Many of my previous roommates have seen them--but not all of them. There are those things that you do in your room when you are all by yourself.

Here are my all-time top five(out of numerous) SSB's

1) Examine my hands and feet-cleaning under my nails do a mani/pedi if I feel I need one.

2)Wiggle my toes and rub my feet together when I am in bed ready to fall asleep.

3) Get a bowl of tortilla chips w/ salsa and eat those while day dreaming

4) Play with my belly-button.

5)Tweeze (eyebrows, hair on my knees and ankles that somehow escaped my razor, etc.)

These are not in any order whatsoever. I encourage all of you, my readers (Anne, Caitlin, maybe that one hick dude who made a comment about my pinky-toe story). Explore your SSB's. I know you have them.

And here's a pic--because I can.


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