
The randomness, The woman, The legacy

November 08, 2005

One of those "What does it all mean?" Phases

Recently my main girl received not one but TWO random e-mails from boys of the past. We couldn't help but wonder.....why?
Why now, of all times, do these boys come back into the picture? What caused this sudden desire for reconciliation? Are these guys pulling a Rob Gordon? Going through the list of women in their life that may have done them wrong or they had done wrong to.

One of those "what does it all mean?" phases?

Do all guys go through this? The need to reach into the past and make right what went wrong? Does this stem from the whole "problem solver" in all guys?
Women, by nature, analyze everything. We (referring to all women) only assume that guys don't analyze or at least...don't analyze as much as us. During the relationship we are in constant communication with our girlfriends about what he really means behind his words and actions. Our "what does it all mean?" phase occurs throughout the relationship--whereas guys' embark on that journey a while after it ends.
Do women still think about these former boyfriends, friends, etc.?
Yes. Yes, of course.
Among my women friends, we don't get back in contact with them after years of non-communication. Unless we were friends pretty shortly after separating I don't see myself and my women friends contacting people from our past. Sometimes you just grow apart. The investment in the relationship fell through and that's okay.
Ang's and my question though, was, why now?
What's going on in thier lives that they have the need to rekindle the convo-fire? More importantly do they want to be friends with YOU or do they just someone to talk to?
I guess these guys just have to figure things out and in figuring things out they contact long lost friends.
This also just proves my point that my life resembles High Fidelty much more than I would like it to at times.

*I do realize that in writing this post-I fall victim to female analyzation and into a "what does it all mean?" phase. However, this is different. It just is.*


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Will said...

I suppose, from a guy's perspective, I fall back on what is familiar.

For me, knowing that I let someone down in my past is all I need to try to make it right--regardless of the time lapse. Is this just masculine pride? Duty?



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