
The randomness, The woman, The legacy

September 19, 2005

This I will now do

After recent cries from some readers to post. This I will now do.

Dictionary definition is: one who blatantly imitates, fawningly admires, or vulgarly seeks association with those regarded as social superiors
2a: one who tends to rebuff, avoid, or ignore those regarded as inferior b : one who has an offensive air of superiority in matters of knowledge or taste.

For this post we'll be using the 2a definition.

Each person has thier own snobbery, perhaps several in their life. The things in your life that you have the experience and the knowledge about in order to be superior over those around you. They may not be demeaning in thier actions towards the person who may not know as much, but they do attempt to share thier knowledge with those around them in order to make them a more whole complete individual or just don't hang out with them.

My brother would be a wine snob-he knows all about good wine and what foods would compliment the wine. He has his own collection that has several expensive and rare wines. If he is going to have a glass of wine with dinner or just to sip. It has got to be good good wine. He will not stand to have cheap wine when dining out.

My sister is a self-proclaimed pop-media snob. She enjoys the surrounding media and wants to surround herself with those who enjoy books, movies, and music as well. She knows good movies, books, and music and freely shares her "finds" with others around her.

I myself, as my friends have informed me, am a fun snob. I know how to have fun, I am good at it and I have a collection of ways to make an day fun and eventful. I don't like to be around people who find it impossible to have a good time. They do exist and I have met them. I try to share my snobbery with those around me in order to bring fun into thier lives.

I think you need to surround yourself with people who have snobberies that you do not have. You have the desire to make it a snobbery but just don't for various reasons. That's why you hang out with your friends or family. Although they have an expertise in something that you do not they will be able share that passion with you and making you a better well-rounded person in the long run.

That's life is about. Surrounding yourself with people that will make you look even better! Kidding!


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