
The randomness, The woman, The legacy

September 12, 2005

"what's really matters is what you like....

..not what you ARE like. Books, records, films...these things matter. Call me shallow, it's the freaking truth."

Rob Gordon is onto something. I really do think that the things that we do like will reflect what you are like and who are you.
Don't misinterpret what I am saying. The outward things do not solely define who you are. God does that. He's already defined you as HIS child-paid for in Christ's death and resurrection. Aww....SNAP! Moving on....

I am saying that the things: books, records, films, do play a role in shaping your personality and what you act like.

Think about your favorite movie, book, or CD. How does that relate to who you are as a person? Does it at all? Would you act different if that wasn't your favorite movie?

As I am writing this I am thinking of my all-time favorite movie. For me it's got to be High Fidelity. It was the dry, sometimes crass but mostly funny sense of humor that I love. It reflects that aspect of my personality. This movie isn't "Charlotte May in a nutshell". I think I would have bigger problems in my life if it was.

I think people naturally do that. They take books, music, and film and try to find how the characters relate to who they are and draw from that. In regards to the character of Rob Gordon...I don't exactly know what that would say about me. Perhaps my friends can help me out with that one.

Well...this is just going to end here because I don't really know what else to write about this. Any thoughts or concerns? Give 'em to me!


At 3:39 AM, Blogger Anne said...



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