
The randomness, The woman, The legacy

August 31, 2005

My New Toy

I have recently purchased a new toy that will enable me to share my joys, struggles, random events, etc. Here is a photo log of what my new surrounding look like.
My first office AND HAVING...a very staged photo taken of me listening to a dial tone.

My desk at work taken in the style of Cousin Wes.

This is what my Saturday nights look like until I meet some people who enjoy a good round of kareoke and beer.

My name is Charlotte, I like to do drawings.

As I play more and more-my new toy will be come a main character in Charbot's life.


*The previous post was written during a bout of homesickness that was soon treated with some chocolate and a good chat with good friends.

and three months later....

August 30, 2005

So it year long DCE internship @ St. Peter's in MI. As of now I have set-up my office with the appropriate files and organized some events for youth in the next coming months.
My duties this year is to work with the youth group, teach Sr. high Bible study, and 7th grade confirmation class on Monday night while supervising the 1st-6th grade midweek program making sure teachers are okay in their classrooms etc.
I have been here a week and I am getting used to working everyday. I am in the mass of post-graduate 20-somethings out in the "real world" making the transition from the life of the college student to that of the working stiff. I can tell you already that I miss my old life. Not the homework. Believe I am very happy that I never have to write a paper again about educational theory and how to connect that to Scripture. However, I am missing the college campus where you are surrounded by your peers.
I am at least five states away from any friends or family. I am pretty lonely at this point. There is no one that I can really talk to. I have a roommate-whose really great and nice but it's not the same. Also, the whole mid-west thing is throwing me. People are just a little different out here. I can't really explain it. It's not good or bad-just different. I know a couple of people out here my age-and they can network me with other people that are close to my age as well.
I just don't know these people yet. I know that I will be able to make friends. I mean come on, it's me :) I am a friend snob. I only want my friends to hang out with.

August 01, 2005

You wish you could be as cool as I am

So here are a couple of pictures of my summer adventures with My Woodward, the sister, and the Bonnster. You wish you could be as cool as we are :)

See previous blog for backstory on this picture:
the toenail

Yeah, this is My Woodward being silly:
Anne Laughs


Don't Chew---look underneath "Great for copying Comics!":
don't chew