
The randomness, The woman, The legacy

January 30, 2006

Pictures from the Past

Here are a couple of pictures from Charbot's life during college. Feeling a little nostalgic:

The FABulous Party for Melissa's 21st. Girls do just wanna have fun.

My Woodward, Me & Marty before the FABulous party.
My Woodward and me in my attempt to be Grace Kelly
I have no idea what these girls are smiling at but I tell my screen a joke and imagine them laughing with me.

January 17, 2006


New York has the SOHO district. Portland has the NOPO district. North Portland. The place where I called home during my four years at Concorida Univ.
Tomorrow I get to board a plane and fly back to this place to see my friends and family. Some I have not seen since May. I am looking foward to a time to relax and be renewed with my fellow DCE interns.
We are going to be able to get together and see some of our old hang-outs (the Doug, McMin's,perhaps Vita and I will get a little Buffalo Exchange retail medicine)
I am just really looking forward to being back in the Northwest (flooding and all). I think I'll scream with excitement from seeing the ocean with the mountains in the distance.
I'll have fun pictures from the weekend to post next week.

January 13, 2006

Christmas:Part Two

Father & daughter

This is a WARNING!

Ladies of mine: Ang & Abby

Oh yeah baby!

January 02, 2006

Christmas: Part One

Ang making the ravioli. Proof that she can, in fact, cook.
We learned that in when using the pasta must crank fast! Here Caitlin shows us how it's done.

Christmas Dinner On the menu:
Appitizers:Spinich, garlic chicken, salami ravioli in cream sauce
Salad: Waldorf Salad
Main: Pork Tenderloin
Side: Garlic sauteed veggies
Dessert: Flan

After dinner conversation consisting of Caitlin's pictures, Favorite poets and movie lines, music, what former classmates of Ang and me are doing, etc.
Gabrielle relaxing after a wonderful meal.
Caitlin, Ang, Me, Abby out on the town. Chopsticks. A dueling piano bar in downtown Seattle close to Seattle Center. We were known as the "Ladies on the Perch" because of our location on a ledge overlooking the rest of the bar. The lady piano player liked us because we sang along to all the songs.